Alright, I'm giving into the craze and joining the wonderful world of bloggers. My intention with this blog is to track (and brag/whine) about my journey to a better me. My main focus will be on healthy living (i.e. weight loss, fitness, energy, nutrition) and anything that might help to shape said subjects in a negative or positive way.
My idea was inspired by Julie and Julia. I want to use this space to show people light and notorious cooking does not need to be complicated and requires no formal culinary education. Culinary skills can only be guessed: in the kitchen. I have always been perplexed by someone who avoids the kitchen simply because "I don't know how to cook." If you fall into this category my question to you is "Do you like to eat?" Of course, I mean this in the nicest way.
Indeed, this was the question my mother asked me when I expressed to her my concern for providing myself with tasty meals as I ventured out on my own for the first time. That being said, this is simply a question meant to encourage the timid chef. If you like to eat you are well on your way to being a GREAT cook. Learn to take note of flavors you enjoy and don't be afraid to ask questions of your favorite cooks, whether it be your best friend, mom, or the award winning chef from your favorite restaurant. All the a fore mentioned folks will be flattered by your inquiry and most will be eager to assist you in your culinary curiosities.
I am, by no means, a fabulous chef or even an experience cook. I am simply a single girl in my late 20's (gasp!) who is determined to create a healthy lifestyle for myself. I see no other way to accomplish this that taking control of what I ingest and creating a repertoire of healthy, easy recipes that can be assembled any night of the week. However, I intend to do this in moderation. Cooking for myself and my family (yes, I am currently living at home with the 'rents, my college grad bro, and soon to by my travel lovin' sis) will be a great way to educate myself on the healthy possibilities but I do NOT intend to limit myself entirely to home-cooked meals or give up the supremely simple indulgence of dinning out. It is my philosophy that all good things are done in moderation.
All that being said if you choose to follow me in my healthy living journey you will be enlightened with my whoa's and my triumphs as well as the healthy recipes who will fall victim to my experimentation. I look forward to your feedback (good, bad or ugly). Feel free to share you own victories or moments of defeat so we can all learn from each other.
Enough said about what's to come. Check back for the adventures in aquiring a healthy, mind body and spirit. I'll need all the support I can get!